As a Government Minister, I work with fellow Ministers to ensure that we invest in education and provide students with the best possible start in life:
- 5,000 additional teachers
- 3,000 additional Special Needs Assistants
- New subjects introduced such as coding at primary level and computer science at second level.
Creative Youth is a five-year Arts programme for schools under my Department
• Nine new Music Education Partnerships have been announced.
• The Music Generation programme will be extended countrywide as soon as possible.
• The Scoileanna Ildánacha/Creative Schools initiative, bringing artists into the classroom, is being piloted.
• A Creative Clusters Schools Scheme to generate creative cultural and artistic projects is being piloted.
• Creativity programmes for young people in disadvantaged communities will be developed.
• An Early Years CPD Project is being developed and existing Primary Schools and Post-Primary Schools CPD Projects will be mainstreamed.
• Increased opportunities for students to learn coding and computational thinking will be introduced.
• Opportunities to participate in drama/theatre outside of school will be expanded.
• A strategy to develop and extend choral singing is being developed.
• Cruinniú is being developed as a national creativity day for children and young people in consultation with the local authorities.
• Local Creative Youth Partnerships will be established on a pilot basis.